The meeting will take place at the International Centre for Philosophy in Bonn. Street address: Poppelsdorfer Allee 28. The Center is within walking distance of the Hotel Königshof. See the location of the Centre on Google Maps here.
The Hotel Königshof (Adenauer Allee 9) is near the river Rhine and within walking distance of the central train station, the main building of the university, and the location of the meeting.
Travel to Bonn
From the airport Cologne/Bonn you can take the bus to the central train station in Bonn. The bus ride takes about 30 minutes. A taxi to the hotel costs about 45€. From the airports in Frankfurt und Düsseldorf you can take the train. The train ride from Frankfurt airport takes about 1:15h, and that from Düsseldorf about 1:05h. All long distance trains in Germany are operated by the same company, Deutsche Bahn. You can buy tickets online here.